neděle 14. června 2015

Summer and the city

Okay, very original name for the post :) but i was watching Sex and the city and better idea didn't come to me. And yes I am in love with Carrie, her stores and of course with NYC. Maybe, you have already heard that there is also a serial calls Carrie's diaries❤❤❤ if not, that it is about young Carrie Bradshaw, her teenager's problems and about how that all big story has started.
Today I want to show you my Thursday's outfit( I am the best procrastinator ever), I like that style, it is something between very cute/girly and sport/hard. First time I had the skirt on me this season, and I must admit that it wasn't so bad ☺.
I like that color combination a lot, I think that jeans with black and gray colors looks perfect. What do you think? What is your favorite combination with jeans?

Skirt: H&M; T-shirt: PIMKIE

2 komentáře:

  1. Dokonalá! :) Jen se mi nelíbí jak je ti ta džínová bunda velká.. :\

    1. jůůů, děkuju moc :) strašně mě to potěšilo
      mě se to právě libí, protože to tomu all´a klasickému stylu přidává něco zajímavějšího, ale stejně moc moc děkuju))
