Hi everyone. And I am so so so so sorry again for this big pause in my blogging( OMG, you cannot even imagine how much I miss this), I were abroad, where Internet was very slow and actually I didnt have time to write something( but I have made a lot of photos :D). My summer I spent in my hometown, where everyday I were out w/ my friends and had a lot of adventures. I shied away from problems w/ school, boys and etc.. :D it was just relax time and I am really happy that I have spent time like this. Now school has started. My schedule is full again, but truely I dont mind. I got so much motivation to learn, to open new for myself, to read, to do soooo many things...
Okay, now I will show you some photos of my outfits there( They will be very different, hope it doesn't matter).
My best friend( miss you so much, dear) |
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